Diaper Free Newborns??? Hmmmm….Interesting.

The process is called Elimination Communication (EC) also known as Natural Infant Hygiene. The basis of this practice is to learn the cues that signal your baby’s need to “eliminate” or in other words poop and pee. Once you learn those cues, they should alert you to rush your little one to the potty. Yep. Potty. That’s right. Potty.  The method also suggests holding her over the toilet, sink, or tub if you don’t have a potty. Elimination Communication proposes the idea that infants are mentally ready to learn even before they are physically able. I’m not so sure this method works but I’m sure it’s a messy road to success. Can a baby really learn to hold it while you rush her to the “special place” where she eliminates??? Yes, you can save on diaper costs or even the amount of cloth diapers you have to wash. But how much time will you have to spend cleaning up your baby’s poop and pee off of the floor? I admire the goal but I can’t support the process. Sorry.

Check out this video of a 3 week old:


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